New to Care Opinion?


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Are you brand new to Care Opinion? Here is a helpful guide to get you started!

Bookmark our subscriber "know how" page and bitesize videos

Be sure to bookmark this page: Subscriber help pages

Our subscriber know how pages will guide you through everything you need to know about Care Opinion. There are written guides, short tutorial videos and links to register for our training webinars. 

If you prefer visual learning, we also have short tutorial videos on our most common tasks. We will be updating these soon, but you can still use them in the meantime.

Find these handy videos here: Bitesized videos: Short tutorials on the most common Care Opinion tasks

Set up your alert(s)

When you are added to your organisation’s Care Opinion subscription, the website doesn’t automatically know which stories that you would like to be notified about. You will probably only want to receive an email notification when someone tells their story about your service(s).  

To check if you already have an alert set up, head over to the left hand side of your screen (make sure you're logged in!). Under 'navigation', select 'saved things'. Here you can see if any alerts are linked to your profile. 

If there are none, then you will need to set these up. Here are some links to help you set up your own personal alerts: 

Step by step guide: Creating an alert

Bitesized video: Creating an alert

Update your profile

Personalising your Care Opinion profile is especially important if you are a responder to stories. The website will use the information on your profile when you are responding to stories, and also when creating an invitation link. If you don’t update your profile, then often your responses can look incomplete. 

Update and personalise your Care Opinion profile

Register for our training webinars

We run a regular programme of webinars that you are most welcome to attend. It’s a great space to increase your Care Opinion knowledge, get the best out of your subscription and have the opportunity to ask us any questions that you may have. 

We record every webinar so that you can watch back at a more suitable time, if you are unable to attend any of the dates. 

Register for one of our upcoming webinar training sessions, or watch a previous recording

Get inspired!

Now it’s time to start asking for feedback! We have lots of suggestions and resources available to help you on your Care Opinion journey. 

Inviting feedback | Care Opinion
