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"Lack of support"

About: New Victoria Hospital / Urogynaecology

(as a service user),

I was seen at the beginning of this year by around 7 people in one room, all at the same time. I asked for referral to USA as promised by the Health Secretary but was told no one knew of any pathway at that time.  Seen by a member of the team (telephone consultations) and was very happy with their contribution towards enabling me to try to come to terms with mesh damage and also to support me in my decision to go to USA. However was disappointed that my letter summarising this contact didn’t mention anything about the effect mesh has had on my life. Paid privately to attend USA and have been discharged from the team. I thought I would receive post op appointment from urologist  at least. Surely it is mesh complication service and not just mesh removal service. I  am still experiencing mesh complications and probably will for the rest of my life.

This is a public health disaster and unfortunately the service is nowhere near mitigating any of this disastrous chapter affecting far too many women.  Long waiting times, feeling pressured into having surgery with their team and lack of support in general. No pain management. I was told I would need to go back to my GP for referral for that service and to expect around a TWO YEAR wait for that.

I would say the consultant I saw was empathic and understanding which is a move in the right direction, however this needs to be backed up by action and so far I haven’t seen or experienced any of that action. 

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Response from Isabel Traynor, Clinical Services Manager, Maternity, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde nearly 2 years ago
Isabel Traynor
Clinical Services Manager, Maternity,
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Submitted on 01/11/2022 at 10:52
Published on Care Opinion at 10:52

Dear Gem16

Thank you for sharing your feedback on Care Opinion.

We have had similar feedback from patients regarding the number of staff in the clinic room at their consultation and have acted on this by reducing this as much as possible without compromising their care.

At the beginning of the year we were still working on the patient pathway to independent providers, this has now been established and clear pathway is in place. I am genuinely sorry this was not agreed in time to support your treatment in the USA.

Please can you contact me directly by email at and I will investigate how we can support your going forward?

I look forward to hearing from you

Best wishes

Isabel Traynor

Lead Nurse, Gynaecology

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