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"I don’t really have a story"

About: Community Mental Health Teams

(as a service user),

Iv had mental health issues since 2012 Iv had 2 sectionings

I don’t really have a story to tell as my mental health been that complex I be here all day

What I do want to say is if it was not for the mental health teams Home treatment/ case management coummunity teams NORTH Northfields I would not be where I am now my last sectioning was 2016 I don’t take medication for schizoaffective disorder I manage my own mental health with the input of the teams Iv mentioned depending on my mental health state as n when I need them

I can give nothing but praise to the teams they have worked with me over the years and gave me every bit of support I needed they are so respectful and they allow me to plan my own treatment n support me in what I request from them as n when I need them

I can’t thank what I get n the services I get as n when I need them as on a number of occasions I could of ended up back down the road of sectioning

I know this is not a story but I want people to to see there is light there is ways to fully recover n live a normal life and there is the support you need if you work with the nhs Sheffield nhs mental health teams the community nurse and inpatient nurses are absolutely amazing and they are the once I mainly respect more off they don’t get enough credit for what they do n this story is hopefully for the nurses and patients to know there is positive out comes from the prospective of a mental health nurses view and on the patient side of it there is a light if you can believe you can beat mental health n over come the struggles it takes to get there don’t let your head defy you


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Response from Greg Hackney, Head of Service, Acute and Community Services, Sheffield Health and Social Care 4 years ago
Greg Hackney
Head of Service, Acute and Community Services,
Sheffield Health and Social Care
Submitted on 18/05/2020 at 13:15
Published on Care Opinion at 14:46

Thanks so much for sharing your story. I’ve shared this with all of the nurses, social workers, therapists and doctors in the team, who are thrilled that they have made a difference to you.

Take care.

Greg (manager of the North Recovery Team)

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