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"A dislocated shoulder"

About: Wycombe Hospital / Accident and emergency

(as a relative),

Aussie relatives who had been staying with us in Amersham were leaving for Paris in the morning and one, aged 73 fell down the stairs at 8. 00 pm and was in great pain. We suspected a dislocated shoulder so went to High Wycombe Hospital Minor Injuries Clinic, arriving about 8. 15 pm. The reception staff said that their x-ray was fully booked until close-down at 10. 00 pm so we would have to go over to Stoke Mandeville. I asked the Reception staff to check that we could be seen and treated at Stoke Mandeville, they were reluctant. Enter Antonio, a Nurse who said he'd have a look at it - we were very grateful as the waiting room was fairly full. Within minutes we were sent over to X-ray in the main building where Sue [X-ray receptionist] collected our relative's details and took her straight into x-Ray, a few minutes later she was out and Kevin [Porter for 37 years] arrived with a wheelchair and took us back to Antonio who already had the scans on his computer and confirmed the dislocation saying that he was qualified to fix it. He immediately gave Diana gas and relocated the shoulder sending her back with another porter to x-ray as a check which confirmed that the should had re-located correctly - back to Antonio for sign-of and pain-killing advice and off home by 10. 30 pm in a sling and on the 11. 30 am train to Paris the next day almost without pain.  Our relative and her husband and I cannot speak too highly of your excellent staff, their care and efficiency. Thank you to all, particularly Antonio - a health service as it should be. Thank you. 

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