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"No attempt to make a diagnosis "

About: Sandwell General Hospital

Was sent to Surgical Emergency Assessment Unit after 4 days of intense pain via City hospital. I was seen at City hospital A&E who thought it was a gallbladder problem. Doctor at SEAU said it wasnt a gallbladder or kidney problem based on his physical examination but I was not scanned etc to actually find out what was causing the pain. I was told to take paracetamol and come back in 2 weeks for a scan. Totally unacceptable to be sent home after 4 days in pain and having been to a walk in centre, A&E dept then to SEAU. What is the point of SEAU if it only repeats what’s already been done a few hours earlier then sends you home without proper investigation and any attempt to find a diagnosis. Very poor and I feel neglected. Appalling. No advice on pain relief until I asked then I was told to take paracetamol which was a joke seeing as City hospital felt I needed morphine which did work. I know morphine can’t be prescribed easily but surely something stronger than paracetamol could have!! I feel fobbed off and dismissed! No doubt if my pain continues I will have to go back to A &E which is awful as SEAU could have at least tried to sort my problem out and also leaving me on in pain for longer. logo
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