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"Wait times unacceptable."

About: Arrowe Park Hospital

I had a fall and damaged my wrist on Friday afternoon. Phoned NHS111, received a call back after 2 hours, and was advised to go to a&e.

Presented myself about 7.30 pm. Was triaged and x-rayed within 15 minutes, but then had an 11 hour wait, all night, to be assigned a doctor and treated.

The clinical care was excellent, and I am grateful for it, but I do feel the wait time is unacceptable. I appreciate the staff are hard working and doing their best, but a&e is clearly massively under-resourced.

Furthermore, there were no facilities for food and drink bar vending machines, but I has been told by NHS not to anyway, in case I needed an operation.

There was scant communication or support, save periodic proactive checks on my part with the receptionists. They were understanding and apologetic, but pretty much conceded this was the norm, despite NHS having 4 hour target.

I was in a lot of pain, the seating are was excessively warm, and being a Friday, later on, several folk who had later come in were clearly under the influence of drink or drugs, and although not threatening, the atmosphere became somewhat unpleasant at times.

I have o criticism of staff, and my clinical treatment was good, but the overall experience was quite poor and dehumanizing, and I felt my needs weren't well met. logo
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