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"A huge thank you!"

About: Community Services / Orthopaedic Choice

(as a service user),

A Huge Thank You to The Orthopaedic Choice and Dean, the Physiotherapist!

Finding the right healthcare professional can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But recently, I struck gold at The Orthopaedic Choice, and I wanted to share my experience, particularly regarding the fantastic physiotherapist, Dean.

A Frustrating Journey

For years, I'd been battling knee pain that significantly impacted my intense sports life. I visited several healthcare providers, but none truly resonated with me. Some lacked clear communication, while others offered generic treatment plans that didn't address my needs.

A Refreshing Change

Walking into The Orthopaedic Choice felt different. The atmosphere was professional yet welcoming, and the staff were incredibly friendly and helpful. But the real turning point came when I met Dean, the physiotherapist assigned to my case.

Dean: A Master of His Craft

From the beginning, Dean exuded a sense of professionalism that instilled confidence. He listened patiently as I described my struggles, asking insightful questions to better understand my situation. What impressed me most was his direct and clear communication style. No medical jargon, just a straightforward explanation of what was likely causing my knee pain.

A Tailored Approach

Unlike previous experiences, Dean didn't offer a one-size-fits-all treatment plan. He carefully assessed my condition, pinpointing the source of the problem. Based on that, he formulated a personalised therapy program that targeted my specific needs. This personalised approach gave me a sense of control and empowered me to participate actively in my recovery.

Beyond Exercises

Dean's expertise went beyond prescribing exercises. He took the time to explain the rationale behind each exercise, ensuring I understood not just the "what" but also the "why." This built my confidence in performing the exercises correctly and fostered a sense of ownership over my recovery journey.

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

For the first time in months, I finally felt a glimmer of hope. Dean's expertise, clear communication, and supportive approach instilled a sense of belief in my recovery. I felt confident in my ability to work hard and follow his plan, which I hadn't experienced with any previous healthcare provider.

A Heartfelt Thank You

I want to express my sincere gratitude to Dean and the entire team at The Orthopaedic Choice. You've helped me address my knee pain and empowered me to take charge of my health and well-being. Thanks to Dean's exceptional guidance, I look forward to our next session after the MRI.

If you're struggling with musculoskeletal issues, I highly recommend The Orthopedic Choice. Ask for Dean – you won't be disappointed!

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Response from Justin Strain, Consultant MSK Allied Health Professional, Orthopaedic Choice, Pain Management and MSK Physiotherapy, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust 2 weeks ago
Justin Strain
Consultant MSK Allied Health Professional, Orthopaedic Choice, Pain Management and MSK Physiotherapy,
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

I am a physiotherapist, specialising in spinal conditions and pain management. As well as my clinical work, I provide clinical leadership across our Orthopaedic Choice, Pain Management and MSK Physiotherapy services.

Submitted on 17/05/2024 at 09:09
Published on Care Opinion at 09:09

Thank you for your feedback. It is great to hear about people receiving good care within our service and we really appreciate you taking the time to let us know.

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