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"Positive, kind, funny and professional in equal measure"

About: Castle Place Practice Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford) / Gynaecology Tiverton and District Hospital / X-rays and scans

(as the patient),

Whilst I was recovering from the removal of a  varicose vein  by completing my daily walking exercise, I developed a heavy dragging sensation low in my abdomen. Suddenly it became very difficult to walk at my normal pace, I needed to pass urine frequently and was extremely uncomfortable .

Initially trying to get an appointment at my GP practice at Castle Place in Tiverton was very challenging, however, once this was resolved I had a face to face appointment with my GP on a Friday evening. She was absolutely brilliant, she organised a blood test for the  following Monday and a scan for the Tuesday. The staff who conducted my scan at Tiverton hospital were very caring; they clearly explained their findings and contacted the GP immediately.

The GP promptly wrote to the consultant gynaecologist and a consultation followed within 5 weeks. An appointment for a full hysterectomy was made for the following month. 

I found my consultant Tracey's personal manner to be warm, empathetic, pragmatic and incredibly reassuring and that I would be safe in her care. Her focus was to ensure I would make a full recovery and enjoy an active and  pain free future; I felt valued as an individual. 

My operation was completed as a day case which was followed up two days later for the removal of a catheter and a post operational appointment seven weeks later. 

Throughout my treatment journey I have received exceptional care, they have been very positive, kind, funny and professional in equal measure. All important elements  to allay worries and keep patients happy and stress free. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Louise Steventon-Fenn, Clinical Nurse Manager (Eastern Services), Wynard Ward (Eastern Services), Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 2 weeks ago
Louise Steventon-Fenn
Clinical Nurse Manager (Eastern Services), Wynard Ward (Eastern Services),
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 14/05/2024 at 13:37
Published on Care Opinion at 13:44

picture of Louise Steventon-Fenn

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us about your experience.

I am very glad to hear that your time with us was positive and that you felt valued.

I will ensure your kind words are passed on to Tracey Kay and the ward team. I hope you are recovering well!

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