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"Bladder and Bowel Clinic Rejection from Multiple Referrals"

About: Bromley Healthcare / Bladder and bowel management (continence)

(as a parent/guardian),

Our son has never had a solid stool since he was born. He has complex needs and learning difficulties and is known to a range of services including the Children's Disability Team, CAMHS, ARFID Clinic, the Phoenix Centre and more. 

He is doubly incontinent and has now outgrown the 8-15 pull-up nappies that we have used up until now. All professionals working with us around the family have tried supporting us in having a referral accepted by the Bromley Bladder and Bowel Clinic. The GP, the clinical psychiatrist, the special school, consultant psychologist, CAMHS coordinator and disability social worker have all tried to refer but every time we are rejected.  Because of the absurdity of this situation, we are now being encouraged by the multi-agency team supporting our family to complain and if necessary take further action for neglect of a vulnerable children who is recognised as a 'Child in Need' with substantial learning difficulties, who is pre-verbal and doubly incontinent.  

This is not acceptable and we hope that by reporting our story on here, someone may be able to review this decision. It is shocking that despite a number of health and social care professionals referring to this service - that these are still being declined. 

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Response from Sharon Cranfield, Patient Experience Lead, Safer Care Team, Bromley Healthcare 7 months ago
Sharon Cranfield
Patient Experience Lead, Safer Care Team,
Bromley Healthcare
Submitted on 06/11/2023 at 16:28
Published on Care Opinion at 16:28

Dear FrustratedParent,

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your and your son's experience of the Children and Young People's Bladder and Bowel Service.

I am sorry to hear that your son's referral has been rejected by the service numerous times. If you would like to discuss this further please contact me on 0208 315 8791. Alternatively, please provide me with your son's name and date of birth via email to, and I can look into this further.

With best wishes, Sharon

Sharon Cranfield, Patient Experience Lead, Bromley Healthcare

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