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"Birth and labour experience"

About: Aberdeen Maternity Hospital / Obstetrics (Maternity care)

(as the patient),

Last month I gave birth to my baby boy in the labour ward at AMH. I was very nervous as I was being induced and was quite apprehensive about the process and labour ward as I thought it would be a loud, very clinical and crowded environment.

However, I had a very positive experience thanks to the wonderful staff who looked after me. I’d like to thank the following midwives; Firstly Kirby, who welcomed me onto the ward and who really calmed my initial nerves by explaining the plan so well, discussing my choices with me and was very respectful of my wishes. Ksusha, who looked after me during the toughest phase of my labour - I felt me and my baby were incredibly safe in her care. I had a couple of complications which she dealt with immediately but in such a calming way so not to panic us, all whilst teaching a student midwife too.

And finally Helen who created the most positive, wonderful birth experience for us which we will be forever grateful for. Her care and advice enabled me to have the most natural birth possible after induction and she knew how important this was for me. Her aftercare was amazing and those first couple of hours post birth were so special. She even came to see us on our new ward the following evening which meant so much to us.

As for labour ward itself - it was nothing like I imagined.  Instead I was in my own room with dimmed lighting, my own music (and no other audible noises!), receiving 1:1 care from my midwife in a calm environment. Whilst I needed many clinical interventions, the midwifery and medical staff always ensured full discussions and choices were provided to me and so I didn’t feel I lose any control which was something I had worried about. I’d also like to thank staff at Summerfield ward who looked after me and baby for 4 days post birth due to some minor complications - we felt so well looked after and help was always there when we needed it.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Fiona Mathers, Senior Charge Midwife/ LW Coordinator, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, NHS Grampian 17 months ago
Fiona Mathers
Senior Charge Midwife/ LW Coordinator, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 05/01/2023 at 10:13
Published on Care Opinion at 11:53

picture of Fiona Mathers

Hello KM93

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy.

Thank you for taking the time to post about your positive birth experience. We are always delighted to receive feedback and I will ensure the staff mentioned read this and be very grateful that they made a positive impact on your labour and birth.

Thank you also for sharing your positive experience on the post natal wards. Will also ensure the staff read this

Thank you


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