Barbara's story


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Your stories help us know what makes a difference

Barbara is a colorectal nurse specialist, working for Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust.

“As a nurse specialist, I work mainly with people who have bowel cancer across most areas of their care.

“When one of my patients, Brian, shared a story about how the way I’d talked with him had helped him to accept his cancer I felt humbled and proud. I was so glad he took the time to reflect on his experience, it helped us understand what mattered to him."

“I work as part of an exceptionally efficient and caring team and wish to stress that Brian’s positive experience was achieved by all team members working together."

“It’s really motivating to hear about things that went well and ultimately it improves the experience for the next patient because I know what is working.”

“As a team we always discuss feedback and work to make things better.”

Read the story Brian shared about his care, and about Barbara

Beating Bowel Cancer

Brian supports Beating Bowel Cancer, the UK charity dedicated to beating bowel cancer and supporting people and their families through their cancer journey.

Beating Bowel Cancer are encouraging people to share their stories with Care Opinion, and they are reading every story that we publish to help understand how people are supported and treated by the NHS.

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