Atom and RSS feeds


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Feeds of published stories on the site are available for each service we recognise.

You can find easy links to the feed you want on the relevant service page, or after you've searched for the opinions you want.

The base URI for the opinions feed is:

This will give you the 10 latest opinions we have published, in Atom feed format.

Starting with this URL, you can add parameters to set the feed format (Atom or RSS), the number of items, and filters to get just the opinions you want.

To add parameters to a feed, you add "filter=value" sections to the URL.

For example: will give you recent postings tagged with "foot", in Atom feed format. will give you 20 recent postings about Rotherham General Hospital, in RSS feed format.

Here are all the filters we currently recognise:

  • format: can be "atom" (the default) or "rss"
  • pagesize: how many items you want in the feed - an integer between 1 and 25 (the default is 10)
  • nacs: The ID of a health service the opinions is about. You can find the ID you want by looking at the URL of the page about that service
  • frompopulation: The ID of a population area the opinions are from. You can find the ID you want by looking at the URL of the page about that population
  • tag: a tag linked to the opinions
  • Note: you can add multiple tag, nacs and frompopulation parameters to the URL if you wish.