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Thinking 'Out of the box' about the NHS

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Amy Gaskin-Williams

You know that feeling that you get when you find a photo that you'd forgotten all about and it reminds you of a really happy day?

I just stumbled across the fantastic video made by BeInspiredFilms at our brilliant event last year, Out of the box. It was such a beautiful sunny day, the perfect venue (the Deaf Cultural Centre, Birmingham) and a truly inspiring event. We navigated people through the day but invited our expert friends to speak who came from the NHS, blogging circles, the third sector and many supporters from the world of Twitter.

The video followed a lightbulb moment when talking to BeInspired where we suddenly thought, 'how great would it be to video each of our guests sharing their strongest wishes and wants for patients and carers, put them all together and complete the video by the end of the day to play back to them all as we close?' We loved the thought, but had no idea whether it was possible. Turns out, with Rav and Anthony from BeInspired working tirelessly all day, it was!

The end result is this great short video. I'd forgotten all about it until I stumbled across it again today - and it's put a big smile on my face. Hope it does the same to you!

p.s. Seeing the old logo makes me feel all nostalgic!


Out of the Box 2010 - Transforming patient experiences in the UK from Be Inspired Films on Vimeo.

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