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"No communication between nurses and relatives"

About: Derriford Hospital / Neurosurgery

(as a relative),

I am experiencing no communication between nurses and relatives, even had the phone put down on me. I feel this has been an abysmal service and not through lack of staff.

Many running around but ask them any questions about my husband they don't appear to me to have a clue what is going on. I even had one nurse who was looking after my husband ask what was wrong with him. I feel the staff should know who and what they are dealing with without having to ask. 

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Response from Alison Stanton, Complaints and PALS Manager, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust nearly 2 years ago
Alison Stanton
Complaints and PALS Manager,
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Submitted on 09/11/2022 at 15:02
Published on Care Opinion at 15:02

picture of Alison Stanton

I am so sorry to hear of the difficulties you are experiencing.

As these comments are anonymous, please could you get in touch with our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)? They can be contacted on 01752 439884, or via email at

That way, we can look into your concerns and respond in full.

Many thanks

Alison Stanton

Patient Services

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Update posted by Fussell (a relative)

in response to your reply about getting in contact with pals I have no wish to ring you as I find it difficult enough trying to get through to the department//ward that my husband is on so I have little faith in getting through to anyone via phone. As to email, surfice to say I think I have said it all in my story on care opinion above

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