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"Unable to get an appointment at the practice"

About: Soho Square General Practice

(as the patient),

While trying to book a GP visit over the phone because of skin problems, both rash and blisters, I found out from receptionist that the first available date is in 3 weeks time.

So by trying to explain that when you have skin ailments (urticaria- leucocytoclastic vasculitis) that do not stop despite the standard prescribed pills that I have been receiving since January 2017, there is something wrong. I mention fact that I had a polite relationship with someone who is infected with chicken pox and whether it could be related to one another.

Saying that and trying to explain that having an unbearable itching rash, I don't know if I can do it until tomorrow, surely not 3 weeks ahead. I don’t receive answer! Receptionist said she will check it with someone and put phone on the hold then after a while she came back and said that I should arrange an online consultation and literally put down the phone!

Fair enough regards online consultation, slightly shocked how conversation ended. By following the instructions of the lady while trying to carry out the order, it turned out that both my medications prescribed for last 6 years had become unavailable to repeat medicine order.

Well, neither the function of sending messages or inquiries or consulting with a doctor is not possible to be in use by me. By trying resolve issue myself, I spend  a few hours with a rash, increased itchiness on the body, in front of the laptop where I wasn’t able to access simple online advice or consultation.

I called Soho general practice again and I ask the person from reception, why did she instruct me to book the visit online, when by entering my details and checking them on the system obviously knowing that it is not possible for me to access? I also mention that literally 2 minutes before I send an email asking what happened to my access to prescribed medicine and why none of the functions doesn’t work and how it can be fixed?

Receptionist answer is that there is no one there anymore, everyone is finished. So I ask, how is it possible at 5.40pm everyone is finished and on the website it states it is open until 6.30pm? 

I also asked receptionist if she is joking or, instead of health care clinic, by mistake I called the “circus” and listen to a “parody” instead of professional care? Well, the responded was shocked me even more. The lady said if I want to see the doctor, I can have an appointment even now because he is free!

Only few hours earlier I had been told to wait 3 weeks, second before she said everyone finish work and now he is free? In response, she put down the phone. When I tried to contact the practice, receptionist each time hung down the phone and after 20 min literally after 1 second done the same. What a lack of professionalism, lack of respect for people, how come the receptionist is doing such a things at workplace?

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