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"A welcomed improvement"

About: Three Towns Resource Centre

(as a carer),

My son, 21, is diagnosed with ADHD and ASD and can be extremely anxious. Attended with my son for his first appointment at the Three Towns Resource Centre, since transitioning from CAMHS into Adult Mental Health services due to COVID there hasn’t been any face to face interaction.  Anyone supporting someone with ASD, ADHD or anxiety will understand the need for support at appointments and having someone to advocate on your behalf.  

Went to my son's appointment with him, and after checking in at reception I was asked to go wait in the car. I tried to explain that my son didn’t like to attend appointments on his own, and it led to high anxiety and he begins to panic. We were asked to go wait outside whilst they checked if it was okay for us both to come into the appointment. After a lot of back and forth and my son just telling me to take him home, we were allowed to both attend the appointment. This was not a great experience for someone’s first time in new surroundings, and meeting a new person in charge of their care and mental health needs.

We attended yesterday for his second appointment, which he was apprehensive  about, so I phoned ahead and explained as his parent/ unpaid carer I would be attending the appointment with him.  Receptionist advised she would speak with staff member and let me know if it was okay. Receptionist called back and advised it was fine with the member of staff and she would put it on his file.

This is a welcomed improvement, and definitely a better experience than first time round. We attended with our masks and sanitised our hands on arrival at reception, playing our part to ensure safety for staff and ourselves.

Thank you for making this appointment more tolerable, son was not as restless and upset as he had been on his first appointment. The journey home was more bearable this time round. 


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Response from Kevin Milton, Senior Manager, South Ayrshire, NHS Ayrshire & Arran nearly 2 years ago
Kevin Milton
Senior Manager, South Ayrshire,
NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Submitted on 15/09/2022 at 10:02
Published on Care Opinion at 10:02

Dear AyrshirelassO

Thank you for taking the time to post yours and your sons experience of the care and treatment at the Three Towns Resource Centre.

I am very pleased that your most recent experience was a positive one. I would be keen to ensure going forward, with your sons consent, that you are able to attend appointments with your son without the need for you to call beforehand.

We have methods to highlight this in your sons clinical records, therefore I’d ask if you and your son could phone into the Three Towns to speak with either myself or Karen Renucci, CMHT Team Leader, so we can ensure a more seamless process for you both going forward (01294 470010).

Again, thanks for taking the time to post regarding a more positive experience and look forward to supporting you and your son in ensuring this continues during his recovery.

Kindest Regards

Kevin Milton

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