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"Bleeding for 8 months"

About: General practices in Lanarkshire

(as the patient),

I have been menstruating for the last 8 months non stop, this bleeding has been extremely heavy with huge clots. Most days I bleed through super plus tampons and pads, I struggle to even go out anywhere because of this constant worry of bleeding through period products. This is taking a huge mental toll on me, I’m just so sick of it and have had almost no help from the GP to look into the cause of this. 

I moved to a new area in October and had a telephone appointment with my new GP in December regarding this as my last GP basically gave me tranexamic acid and said if this doesn’t work just ride it out, it’ll stop eventually. 

The GP at my new  practice initially seemed really good and motivated to get to the bottom of this issue, he ran bloods but when they came back clear he said there was nothing he could do apart from recommend I get a coil. I asked if there was anything we could do to find the actual cause of this bleeding as I’m extremely worried about it, his response was he could book me in for an ultrasound but other than that there is no investigation he can do or referral he can make. The GP said I’d likely get the appointment for an ultrasound in January, it’s now mid March and I’ve still not even had an acknowledgement of any scan being booked let alone an appointment.

During these 8 months no doctor has felt it necessary to exam me and check anything physical at all, only telephone appointments. There could be something glaringly obvious going on that could be found during a physical exam but they haven’t bothered to check.

I know the NHS likes to talk about initiatives to improve woman’s health, lots of information on their sites to say when to contact a GP if bleeding meets certain criteria but both doctors I’ve seen about this just didn’t care at all. 

I hope this has nothing to do with it but both doctors have been male and I do wonder if it’s possible for a male doctor to really appreciate the toll it puts on a woman’s life and body to bleed constantly for 8 months, the isolation you feel when you can’t go anywhere for longer than an hour, when you go to sleep and worry you’ll wake up with the bed covered in blood, when you have to change your underwear 5 times a day. 

I appreciate that GP’s are extremely busy and have worked hard through everything the last 2 years but is there no accountability for a GP that just doesn’t care about the a patient because they can’t connect with what that person is going through. It’s a disgrace how I’ve been treated, I’ve been left to figure it out on my own and still have no idea why I won’t stop bleeding. 

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Response from Jean MacDonald, Quality Improvement Co-ordinator, NHS Lanarkshire 2 years ago
Jean MacDonald
Quality Improvement Co-ordinator,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 19/04/2022 at 09:35
Published on Care Opinion at 09:35

picture of Jean MacDonald

Good morning LeftInTheWilderness

Many thanks for sharing your concerns and issues regarding your GP via Care Opinion.

Unfortunately GP's are independent contractors therefore I would advise you to contact the Practice Manager of your practice to discuss your concerns.

I wish you well for the future.

Best wishes


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