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"Problems breathing"

About: New Victoria Hospital / Out-of-hours GP service

(as a relative),

My partner went in late at night having problems with her breathing as she has asthma and currently has covid she is exempt from wearing a face mask yet the doctor or nurse thought it was a good idea to point out it's not fair for everyone else, to my knowledge if your exempt your exempt for a reason why should she make herself any worse also was only there for 20 minutes to be told nothing is wrong. For me that's not enough time to determine what the issue may be, total joke. 

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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2 years ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 08/03/2022 at 08:40
Published on Care Opinion at 08:40

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear Pissedoff1

Thank you for your feedback

If a patient has COVID, we have to take additional measures to protect both patients and staff and this is why your partner would have been asked to wear a face mask, even if they are usually exempt. I apologise if this was not explained properly at the time. When patients attend the Out of Hours Service they are allocated a 20 minute appointment, I am sorry if the appointment was not long enough. If your partner is still having problems with their asthma I would suggest contacting your GP or NHS24 on 111 for further advice.

Please pass on my apologies to your partner.

Kind Regards


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