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"Being unable to access my medication in time"

About: General practices in Lanarkshire

(as the patient),

This has happened several times previously in the past. Yesterday it had an impact on my career and it has left me very upset. I had left a message on the answer machine service at my Medical Practice (option 3) to request sertraline as I knew I was getting low. I requested this allowing them a week to process this prescription in line with their procedures. My prescriptions go to a local pharmacy to be dispensed. There is no drop off box in the surgery to leave a paper repeat request so I rely on the answer machine service. I checked with the pharmacy a day before I was due to run out and they had no prescription for me, I decided to give it until Monday. I still had no repeat prescription available to collect and I ran out of sertraline on the Saturday. As I was at work (in healthcare 9 to 5) my partner contacted the gp practice to ask them issue an emergency prescription for me. 

Yesterday however the physical withdrawals from sertraline were terrible and my mentor and boss could see that I was struggling and made the decision to send me home. Emotionally I was also struggling due to not having had my medication. I was so sad that I had been sent home.

Then when I contacted the surgery to double check my emergency prescription had been done, I also enquired about an upcoming appointment with the nurse, I wanted to double check the date of this appointment. This appointment was made via phonecall with the receptionist at the start of February. I would require the appointment to have a review of my contraceptive pill as I would not be issued any more of the medication without this. The receptionist I spoke to was very clear about this and spoke to me very rudely.

Upon speaking to the receptionist yesterday,  she checked my file and could not find any appointment for me. No appointment had been made. She was very apologetic and made an appointment for me. Had I not double checked with the receptionist yesterday I would not have known there was no appointment and I would have ran out of this medication too. Running out of my contraceptive pill again would have a huge impact on my professional life because I have a potential diagnosis of adenomyosis and need the pill the minimise my periods and the disruption they cause.

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Response from Jean MacDonald, Quality Improvement Co-ordinator, NHS Lanarkshire 2 years ago
Jean MacDonald
Quality Improvement Co-ordinator,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 18/02/2022 at 15:44
Published on Care Opinion at 15:44

picture of Jean MacDonald

Dear gothicmummy

Thank you for taking time to share your experience on Care Opinion. I was sorry to read of the difficulties you are having with your GP practice, specifically the lack of communication and the delays in prescriptions being processed.

Please be advised that GP's are independent contractors and are responsible for investigating and responding to any concerns a person may have about their service; they are not registered to respond directly to feedback through Care Opinion. I would thereforeinvite you to contact the Practice Manager if you would like a direct response about the service you experienced.

Best wishes


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