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"Helped me in building my own value"

About: Community Forensic Services / Nottinghamshire MBT Service

(as a service user),

I have just finished 10 sessions of MBTi with Notts MBT Service. The structure, size of the group (6 participants) and the facilitators guidance were all really positive in making the group cohesive and accessible. The consistent reassurance and pathways for support with simple but important details such as working around our individual circumstances but always with a focus of making it accessible around our other responsibilities was such a enormous relief and helped me in building my own value in attending.

I would have perhaps liked more time to discuss the dynamics and difficulties of bonding with an intimate like-minded group and then being placed in diffident groups with different people when move into therapy). The uncertainty of the latter created a wealth of discussion in one session where the other participants in the group had formed a bond and felt afraid of this change. We were able to discuss this with curiosity around these feelings, however being aware of why I’m accessing this service this may have been better addressed with a little more time. I also think that incorporating more discussion/information explicitly around trauma would positively reinforce the already very effective MBT/trauma informed framework – and maybe even help PD diagnosis more broadly become recategorized as a trauma response.

I found the facilitators a refreshing combination of knowledgeable and also vulnerable – whilst maintaining professional boundaries. They displayed deep compassion, understanding and sensitivity around managing emotional discussions whilst also creating the feeling that we’re all equals.

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Response from Clare Lloyd, Team Leader, NPPD Network, Community Forensic Services 2 years ago
Clare Lloyd
Team Leader, NPPD Network,
Community Forensic Services
Submitted on 12/01/2022 at 17:22
Published on Care Opinion on 13/01/2022 at 08:59

Thank you for posting this feedback, I am pleased to hear that you have had a validating experience in attending the MBTi group and it sounds like the facilitators were able to offer you a positive experience of being in the group. Your feedback is appreciated and your thoughts on what may improve the MBTi programme will be shared with the team and considered in our current review of the MBTi programme.

Best wishes,

Clare Lloyd

Clinical Team Leader - Notts MBT Service

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