"no help at all from gastroenterologist at Blackburn"

About: Royal Blackburn Hospital / Gastroenterology

(as the patient),

The doctor I saw at Blackburn was a gastroenterologist who for the sake of confidentiality I shall call Dr X. Such was Dr X interest in my case that he before I had even opened my mouth he said "I don't think there's much we can do to help you".....erm, this was before I had even begun to say what the problem was. Whilst I then went onto explain the problem Dr X continuously yawned and then had to ask me to repeat exactly what I had already said later on in the "consultation" because he had been too bored to catch it first time round. - note to anyone who might be seeing him soon, try to be entertaining. He refused to investigate what I had been referred for but did write to my GP to tell him I didn't have osteomalacia. Which is always good to hear, though we never thought I did in the first place. The one test he would do was my vitamin D levels, which turn out to be deficient. 11.5 when they should be over 30. However Dr X says it's not serious until it gets to 10 so that's ok, we'll hang on for that, not far to go now. As to investigating why I'm deficient when I eat vitamin d rich food and get sunlight every day is I guess just too much to ask. Possibly a sign that I have malabsorption? The thing I was referred for?

My overall experience of this health "service" is that they couldn't care less especially when you've been given the label of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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