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"Home Talk Service"

About: Children & younger people's services / Early Intervention Speech and Language Therapy (Home talk)

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

J was referred to the Home Talk service following a 2 year review by the health visitor. Had been only saying around 20 single works.

Before Home Talk J was very quiet and withdrawn only using a few words when needed. J often became frustrated by their inability to express themselves and would show this by biting.

When the Home Talk worker first visited J. took an immediate shine to Jack the puppet and he would look forward to her visits.

By following the advice the worker gave we were able to support J. in developing a variety of words. The sessions were varied and enjoyable for both myslef and J. I will never forget the nosiy play session when J. minicked the sound of the whistle becuase he couldn't do it.

With the support of our Home Talk Worker J's speech has progressed significantly. He uses a large range of words, speaks in sentnences and will hold a conversation. Not a day goes by where he does not surprise us.

J. has come on in leaps and bounds, developing into a much more confident and happy child. He wouldn't have progressed so well without the help of of our Home Talk Worker and Jack!!

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Response from Jane Young, Service Manager: Speech and Language Therapy, Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership, Local Partnerships 6 years ago
Jane Young
Service Manager: Speech and Language Therapy, Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership,
Local Partnerships
Submitted on 04/06/2018 at 11:05
Published on Care Opinion at 12:54

Thank you so much for letting us know about your experience and I am so pleased to hear that J is doing so well. Please do keep in touch with us and let us know if we can be of any further help. There are many sessions at our Children's Centres to help you support J's language development. I am sure your Home Talk Worker will be able to advise you if you want more information.

You may also find our social media helpful.

With many thanks


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