"Disabled by Polypropylene TVTO Mesh Tape Medical Implant for SUI"

About: Crosshouse Hospital / Gynaecology

(as the patient),

Like the hundreds and thousands of patients World wide experiencing the severe complications from polypropylene mesh medical implants I find myself with an irreversible progressive disabled life of chronic pain, toilet dysfunction, pelvic dysfunction, restricted mobility, mesh infection, erosion, auto immune compromised and every aspect of every minute having to find the hope to get through the next one.  The healthy, employed and active life I had is gone forever due to the avoidable risk of polypropylene mesh.  This ripples out to all those close to me and that hurts the most. Maybe the basics of proper device regulations, informed consent, mandatory registries, mandatory reporting of adverse incidents and established care pathways could have saved us but it has been acknowledged they were not in place.  One surgeon described mesh as a tragedy born from greed, saying "When they came to us with mesh tapes and no data, we should have sent them away but we didn't."  He was talking about company reps.

I want to thank Ayrshire and Arran Health Board for adhering to the mesh suspension established in 2014 and Doctor Agur and the team of staff for believing myself and other patients when we sought help for the progressive severe symptoms that is mesh complications.  Being believed gave us hope when all around elsewhere that belief was missing.  Doctor Agur listened, and explained everything available and even if there was nothing he could do to improve the situation he believed and he listened and that gave us hope.

Doctor Agur you give hope to patients that are experiencing debilitating mesh complications.  May your gift ripple out to cover the Earth like a blanket.

Some wise person once said that we can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air—but not a single second without hope. 

I hope they stop using all mesh medical devices very soon.     

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Response from Eunice Goodwin, Patient Feedback Manager for NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Quality Improvement and Governance Team, NHS Ayrshire and Arran 6 years ago
Eunice Goodwin
Patient Feedback Manager for NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Quality Improvement and Governance Team,
NHS Ayrshire and Arran

I respond initially to most of the posts and ensure they are passed to the appropriate team whether they are compliments, observations or grumbles. It is important to make sure all issues are addressed and I try to encourage that to happen for all the posts as required.

Submitted on 03/05/2018 at 17:30
Published on Care Opinion on 04/05/2018 at 09:55

picture of Eunice Goodwin

Dear scottishmeshsurvivor,

I can't imagine how difficult this must have been and still is for you and all those close to you. I am sincerely sorry that you have been affected by this sad and avoidable situation. I am very glad Dr Agur has been so helpful in these difficult times. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this post and share it with us. I will pass this to Dr Agur. As a modest man, I suspect will be humbled by your post.

I also hope all of the devices that have caused these problems stop being used world-wide and no-one else has to suffer as a result of their use.

best wishes,


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