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"Admission at AMRU"

About: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - Queen's Medical Centre Campus / Accident and emergency

I arrived at the QMC at around 7 pm and after a couple of trips driving around the hospital my husband found a place to park. We arrived and checked in at the AMRU soon after 7 pm and at 11:30 after fairing on the floor, having said to a nurse how bad my pain was and being almost ignored I was finally seeing by a doctor. It's 2:10 am and despite the fact they are going to admit me, I'm still waiting for a bed. I'm one of the lucky ones as since my faint they've put me on a trolley. There are very elderly patients, severely disabled patients and others looking very poorly around. The staff are obviously stretched. The doctor who saw me was warm and considerate. I'm not sure how much of that was in apology for what is going on here. But nevertheless I'm thankful for their care. One member of staff stands out for me. A nurse who had done my initial assessment as I arrived early evening as well as that of many others. Smiling, with kindness and a real sense of care. Perhaps one of the least paid members of this supposedly caring staff, the nurse has shown me and other patients what others failed to in their overwhelming business. They showed us care, consideration and dignity. logo
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Response from Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust 7 years ago
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 25/05/2017 at 09:31
Published on Care Opinion at 09:41

Thank you for getting in touch to share your feedback. I’m pleased to hear that you were treated with kindness, consideration and dignity during your stay. However, I’m very sorry to hear about the long waits you experienced and that you feel you were ignored. I would be happy to discuss your concerns with you further if you wish to. If so, you can reach me on 0115 924 9924 ext. 70372 or you can email

Best wishes,

Alison Haywood.

Ward Manager, AMRU.

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