"My dad and alcohol"

About: Surrey PCT / Primary care mental health service

(as a relative),

My father had been an alcoholic for as long as I can remember. He finally hit rock bottom when my mum left him. In the months while they were apart his deterioration was shocking. His self esteem at an all time low and he was becoming deeply depressed.

After intervention (as advised by a counsellor) my wife, sister and I persuaded dad to seek professional help, in the form of rehabilitation.

We found a facility in Bournemouth but after only a week of him being there received a call asking for us to come down and collect him. They felt they were unable to provide the level of care and support needed.

We felt incredibly let down and became increasingly anxious as we were being given unclear messages from all parties involved, including his GP back home. We weren't being given any structured advice by any of the facilities available. How we move forward, where can we take him that could give him the care he so desperately needed?

Luckily for dad we found an alternative doctor who firstly spoke to dad like he was human and not some worthless drunk. And secondly was professional enough to take responsibility for his patient and make the necessary calls and not skirt around the issue but deal with it head on. After a one hour appointment with the new GP we had a clear plan of how we could move forward. I honestly believe that without this intervention taking place my dad would be dead now. It only took one hour to make the difference.

Thank you Marty for not only doing your job but being brutally honest - You saved a family from a very dark place.

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