"The worst hospital service in the whole wild world"

About: Whipps Cross University Hospital

Kafka meets Orwell meets "The heart of darkness". Abandon all hope if you have to deal with this hospital.

I was referred by my dentist in 2014 for 3 extractions. I had to wait 7 months to get an actual appointment where the dental surgeon. The "invitation letter" came 2 months late. I finally made it there, in March 2015. The dental surgeon (who was kind and talented to be fair) took the 2 easiest and most benign ones out first. I was supposed to get a follow up invitation / appointment for the extraction of the 3rd, most difficult, most urgent extraction.

It is now October 2015 and despite dozens of calls, I still have not managed to get that extraction done. The phone system is an ordeal, that humbles even the worst private companies you ever dealt with.

That last, broken tooth that needs to be extracted is now sore, bleeding, and right next to a bridge. I have begged my dentist to refer to me another hospital, but it seems I'll have to go through the whole charade of waiting for a letter (estimated time: 3 months) etc.

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