"Refusal of request for out of hours GP Care - Brighton"

About: Brighton and Hove City PCT

(as the patient),

I recently requested out of service GP Care from Bright Doc, during the night when I experienced severe burning sensation in my throat and stomach. I had dreadful pains in my joints and I was feeling sick. I had a temperature and my BP was high. I have a complex chronic health condition i.e. I am diagnosed with Lupus - with renal and ovarial failure with Osteopenia, I have firbromylgia and a kidney transplant. The Bright Doc refused to visit. In his opinion - if I could walk to the loo I was fine! But the loo is just a few steps away from the bedroom. Moreover, he said that the Bright Doc service was only for the elderly. So what about the chronic care manamgement of the disabled people? Brighton and Hove PCT proudly advertise this service and yet apparently it only serves the elderly. The PCT claims we have a robost community care service to meet the needs of the disabled. In reality my experience is very different as shown here. As this doctor refused to help, I rang the renal outpatients and the registrar was most helpful and kind. I was able to go the hospital and had my bloods checked. Without this help I would have been very fightened indeed! Yours
    name withheld
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