"Dickensian Nightmare"

About: Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Oxfordshire PCT

(as other),

I certainly could not recommend OBMH.

In my experience The Complaints Dept never deals with and very rarely acknowledges complaints and even when described with the word 'complaint' calls them 'concerns.' A Dr went as far to tell me that complaints are only formal when what I would refer to as a captive applies for a tribunal (which incidentally never seem to release people).

I feel the staff never believe a word a “captive” says and arrogantly believe they know everything already.

A 'Section' seems to last for life with no discharge and certainly not for up to six months.

The advocates seem to wholeheartedly support detentions under the Mental Health Act and eventually told me that some women are forced to stay on medication for life (although staff never tell one anything, and then I feel they lie about it). And whilst under Section 117, which I was told too late (having never been informed) is meant to be voluntary, did not stop me going on what I assumed, and was led to believe, compulsory appointments.

The tribunals from my experience are unfair, a fact not recognised by the NHS.

I believe that an end to Sectioning would be more than welcome, the practice is an appalling abuse of human rights.

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