"There is a clear distinction among ..."

About: The Great Western Hospital

(as the patient),

What I liked

There is a clear distinction among the staff between those who take pride in their work and those to are simply putting in their time and find every patient to be an additional burden. To those staff who take pride in their work, thank you.

What could be improved

I was put in a private room after surgery because the ward I was meant to be in was full. That in itself wasn't an entirely bad thing, however being opposite the nurses station and overhearing the conversations of the staff was another matter entirely. Based on their comments, and behaviour, it was clear that the patients who should have been in a ward instead of 'their' private rooms were considered to be an unnecessary burden and not deserving of the same treatment as 'real' private patients. Unfortunately for some members of staff this attitude came through in their work and they failed to carry out that work with due care and attention.

That evening, after having to hear the negative comments of staff, I was left waiting to use the loo for over 90 minutes by someone who pretended not to hear my request. I guess it offended her that I asked for the curtains in the room to be closed in the evening. She then walked out when I asked for help to use the loo. I know my request was heard because of the look I was given when she walked out. I didn't choose to be put in a private room and I didn't choose to be her burden. I just wanted the curtains closed and needed to use the loo.

Anything else?

I think some members of staff working in the 'private' section of GWH would do well to realise that patients can hear them talking amongst themselves and that every patient deserves to be treated with dignity no matter if they were meant to be on a ward or in a private room.

And to the member of staff who couldn't shut a pair of curtains without having a tantrum, and left me waiting to use the loo... I hope someone treats them the same someday so they know what it was like to sit in a puddle of urine, on display to people in other rooms because someone with a bad attitude failed in even the simple task of closing the curtains in the room.

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