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"Great continuity of care"

About: Continuity of Midwifery Carer Service / Emerald Team

(as the patient),

I was so fortune to be under the care of The Emerald Team during my recent pregnancy. In April I gave birth to a baby boy (my third child) and to say the care I was given was exceptional is an understatement.

Sarah was my nominated midwife who I was introduced to at my 12 week scan. Little did I know that day how special she was going to make my pregnancy. I had Sarah at every single appointment, she was always at the end of the phone, kept in contact on a regular basis just to see how I was, anything no matter how big or small was not a bother, she went above and beyond. I was extra lucky that Sarah was my midwife during labour and birth! I often say it takes a special type of person to be a midwife and Sarah is just that! An outstanding midwife and special person!

When I think back to my previous pregnancies, although the care I was given was great, the care within the continuity team is another level. To have a midwife that you build up a relationship with, get to know and feel comfortable with, who knows you and all about your pregnancy and is there for you whenever you need them is so amazing. What a fantastic service that has and will make so many pregnant women feel supported and pregnancy a positive, lovely experience. I couldn’t recommend it enough!

Thank you Sarah for everything!

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Response from Maria Garvey, Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Maternity Unit CAH, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 3 weeks ago
Maria Garvey
Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Maternity Unit CAH,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Lead Midwife for Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC)/ Antenatal Outpatients Dept (ANOPD/Day Obstetric Unit (DOU)

Submitted on 24/05/2024 at 16:51
Published on Care Opinion at 16:51

picture of Maria Garvey

Good afternoon

Thank you so much for your kind words.

As Lead for Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC) I am delighted with such positive feedback.

I will ensure your story is shared with Sarah.

Thank you

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