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"Unsupported Experience Every Time "

About: Newbury Group Practice

My experience with Newbury Group Practice left me feeling unsupported and frustrated. During my recent visit, I consulted with an Advance Nurse Practitioner who prescribed antibiotics and an ear spray for my earache. Despite diligently adhering to the prescribed treatment plan, my symptoms worsened within two days. I started getting throbbing pain in my ear, felt my tongue was swollen and started shivering.

Upon reaching out to the practice for help, I encountered a disappointing response from the receptionist, who insisted that I complete another online form before receiving any assistance. Despite explaining my recent visit and the practitioner's instructions, I was still required to fill out the form. When I asked for help due to severe pain, the receptionist coldly refused. I was taken aback when I was accused of shouting when I declined to complete the form.

Following that, I was offered a contact number for an urgent appointment after 5 pm. Nevertheless, due to previous encounters, I had doubts regarding the reliability of said number. When I sought to speak with a supervisor, I encountered a similar unproductive response, being directed to call 111 instead, which I believe is a misuse of NHS resources. the phone call lasted 17 minutes and 9 seconds.

I reluctantly filled out the online form and received a notification confirming an appointment with a doctor for 7:00 pm from a mobile number +447307810268 as noted below:

Thank you for your appointment request. A face to face consultation has been booked for you with Dr on 22/5/24 a 19.00 @ Newbury Group Practice, ig2 7le. The appointment will be for 10 minutes which limits the number of concerns the Doctor can safely address. We would appreciate your cooperation and understanding with limiting the number of concerns. Please call 0203 916 5544 between 5:00pm-8:00pm weekdays or 9:00am 5:00pm Saturdays if you are unable to attend

When I arrived at the practice at the scheduled time, I was informed by the reception staff that there was no appointment scheduled in the system. She booked me a cancelled appointment with another Advance Nurse Practitioner without informing me and asked me to wait until called by the Advance Nurse Practitioner.

When I inquired about my appointment being booked with a doctor as originally arranged, I was informed that I was being disrespectful to the receptionist when she was trying to help!

I had to leave without being seen by a doctor

The practice's lack of coordination and miscommunication has not only worsened my physical discomfort but also made me feel disregarded and disrespected as a patient seeking urgent care

However, I am concerned about the elderly patients who may not have access to smartphones or lack technological proficiency. It is important for the practice to consider how they are supporting these individuals during their care

How an elderly patient can afford a 17 minute phone call in vain to book appointment in today's financially challenging times logo
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