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"Calm, reassuring and kind"

About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Cardiology / Coronary Care Unit Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Emergency Medicine Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance

(as a relative),

Huge thanks to the Ambulance First Responder volunteer Ewan, who attended my mum last month when she had a heart attack. She was at home with my dad who is quite unwell himself, and he was calm, reassuring and kind; along with being knowledgeable and diligent in his clinical duties. He gave a good handover to the crew, which is testament to his attentive attitude to mum and made us all feel included in the conversation. 

Big thanks to the crew who arrived afterwards for their excellent care of mum, who did all the extra tests needed for her before leaving and expediently getting her to hospital for further care. You were explicit as to where we as a family should go and when, and this was most helpful for us at a difficult time. 

A final thanks to all those at ARI who looked after mum at the hospital, both in A&E and the wards. She is recovering well, and as a now-retired nurse, it is important for me to recognise the excellent care all those involved gave mum; from volunteers to consultants and everyone in between. 

Very well done - we are all incredibly grateful.   

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Response from Mark Hannan, Head of Corporate Affairs and Engagement, Scottish Ambulance Service 3 weeks ago
Mark Hannan
Head of Corporate Affairs and Engagement,
Scottish Ambulance Service
Submitted on 22/05/2024 at 14:31
Published on Care Opinion at 14:31

Dear circinusdk58,

Thanks very much for getting in touch to feedback such positive comments about the care received by your mum last month. It is so good of you to take the time out to write in to thank our staff.

It must have been a really frightening and scary time and it is great to hear that our first responder Ewan, followed quickly by the attending crew, gave such fantastic care to your mum. First responders right across Scotland do such a brilliant job and provide vital care in those crucial minutes before an ambulance arrives and it sounds like Ewan and our staff were excellent. Being honest, open and clear with patients and their families, as well as being caring and compassionate, is something our staff work very hard on and it's good to see that this was the case in your experience too.

It would be great if we could pass on your feedback directly to Ewan and the crew. If you would like us to do so, could you drop us a quick note to with the name, address, date and time of the call and we'll be able to track them down in our system to send this on to them.

Thanks again for getting in touch and I hope your mum is recovering well.

All the very best,

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Update posted by circinusdk58 (a relative)

Thanks Mark,

I believe the First Responder was from Aberdeen City, and the ambulances had came from Aberdeen station and stonehaven. Hope this is helpful for passing the feedback on.


Response from Julie Wattie, Nurse Manager, Medicine 1 (Medicine and Unscheduled Care Division), NHS Grampian 2 weeks ago
Julie Wattie
Nurse Manager, Medicine 1 (Medicine and Unscheduled Care Division),
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 28/05/2024 at 12:27
Published on Care Opinion at 12:27

Dear circinusdk58,

Many thanks for taking the time to write in about your Mum's experience, in particular in the Emergency Department and the wards. I will ensure this feedback is shared with them and know how much it will mean to the teams.

I hope your mum continues to recover well

Take care


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