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"Birth trauma and ongoing issues"

About: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France / Lothian Birth Centre Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France / Maternity care

(as the patient),

I gave birth in December 2022. Labour started off great in the birthing centre, at 10cm I had to be taken to the labour ward as I need monitoring as there was concern about my baby's heartbeat. After 2 hours of pushing I was informed my baby was back to back and an obstetrician came in and informed me that my option was a trial forceps birth. This involved being wheeled to theatre for a spinal block, episiotomy for the forceps, suffered a 3rd degree tear and lost 1 litre of blood, I had to be stitched up and I didn't get my golden hour with my baby or skin to skin until much later. I suffered injury from labour and my baby had a deep gash in his neck that wasn't spotted til day after he was born.

The aftercare wasn't great for 3 days in hospital, pressing buzzers did not warrant immediate response from staff, I presume because they were understaffed and overworked.

I am now 17 months post partum and suffering mentally and physically. I am currently waiting for birth reflections as my debrief last April wasn't overly helpful, I am on the waiting list for gynaecology which is around 61 weeks long. My gp's have not been very helpful, I have paid for private physio after attending women's health physio but I am still experiencing physical issues. I need to speak to a professional ASAP as I can't bear feeling how I feel. 

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Response from Fiona Lumber, Charge Midwife Lothian Birth Centre, Simpsons Centre for Reproductive Health, NHS Lothian 3 weeks ago
Fiona Lumber
Charge Midwife Lothian Birth Centre, Simpsons Centre for Reproductive Health,
NHS Lothian
Submitted on 24/05/2024 at 12:12
Published on Care Opinion at 12:13

Hello abs89,

Thank you for taking the time to respond and I appreciate how difficult it may have been for you to do so.

Please can you contact me when you can.

Kind regards

Fiona Lumber

Charge Midwife Lothian Birth Centre

0131 2422671

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