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"Quick response with efficiency and professional approach"

About: Accidents & Emergency / Phone First Dalriada Urgent Care

(as a service user),

I had cause to ring the Dalriada Doctor on Call recently . I got through to speak to someone who passed my details on to the triage nurse.

Within 15 minutes a nurse returned my call and subsequently made an appointment to see a doctor that morning.

I was taken on arrival at Antrim very quickly by the doctor and was given a thorough examination and treatment was prescribed.

Everyone I spoke to and who dealt with me was very kind and pleasant.

I was pleased with the manner in which I was received.

I would like to put on record my sincere thanks for the efficiency and professional approach that I received. 

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Response from Janet Shields, Complaints Manager, Governance, Dalriada Urgent Care 3 weeks ago
Janet Shields
Complaints Manager, Governance,
Dalriada Urgent Care
Submitted on 22/05/2024 at 13:35
Published on Care Opinion at 13:35

Dear Giftpq73

Thank you so much for expressing thanks and gratitude for the efficient and professional approach you received from the staff in Dalriada Urgent Care. We very much appreciate your feedback.

It is often negative feedback that organisations such as us receive. Therefore, I am extremely grateful for your correspondence and hope that should you require to use Dalriada Urgent Care in the future you will receive the same quality standard of care that we aim to provide.

Thank you once again.

Janet Shields

Governance Lead

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Cathy McCoy, Clinical Service Manager, Acute Medicine, NHSCT 2 weeks ago
Cathy McCoy
Clinical Service Manager, Acute Medicine,
Submitted on 30/05/2024 at 11:31
Published on Care Opinion at 11:31

Thank you for taking the time to feedback to the ED team. I will ensure that they receive your thanks.

I hope you are feeling better

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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