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"Fully supported and encouraged"

About: Quit your Way / Quit your way (community)

(as a service user),

Embarking upon the journey towards Smoking Cessation, I was fully supported and encouraged by Louise.

From the outset, we discussed ‘coping techniques and ways in which to reduce craving, thereby changing lifestyle choices. Over the last 12 weeks, I’ve reduced, from 20+ cigarettes per day to just the occasional one and even had periods of non-smoking for weeks.

Success? Some might not say so, but, for me, it’s progress, not perfection. I valued the regular chats with Louise who understood me and our discussions were always open, honest, realistic and agreed.

I’m still on that journey and moving in the right direction.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Lisa Buck, Health Improvement and Inequalities Manager, Health Improvement, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2 weeks ago
Lisa Buck
Health Improvement and Inequalities Manager, Health Improvement,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 20/05/2024 at 08:51
Published on Care Opinion at 08:59

Dear 'Sconeboy58'

Thank you for sharing your Quit Smoking story with us, you have certainly come a long way on your journey to becoming smoke-free - well done! I am delighted to hear that your experience of the Quit Your Way service, in particular the help of your advisor Louise, has been so positive. I'm sure that Louise will be happy to hear she has helped you by providing lots of individual support and by suggesting coping mechanisms.

As the team manager, I will share this lovely feedback with Louise and her manager. It also goes to the wider team as everyone finds it motivational to hear how the service can support people to make positive lifestyle choices.

Best wishes


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