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"Terrible reception"

About: Balmore Park Surgery

On 15 May 2024, around 9am, an elderly man was having difficulty entering his details into the login unit on the wall in reception. He went to the reception desk to ask for help. The receptionist in a condescending voice to him to enter his date of birth "as 12, not 1 and 2". She then repeated this in a loud and condescending voice. I wonder whether she would have said this to a younger person.

After my asthma appointment, which was 15 minutes delayed from 08:50 to 09:05, I approached the reception desk as I wanted to make a GP appointment. The reception would not allow me to do this. She checked and told me that I had an Anime account and I had to make an appointment via the website. I have logged into the website this evening. This indicates that appointments can be made at the Surgery.

I had a very helpful asthma review... so it wasn't all bad. logo
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