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"A successful virectomy"

About: Ophthalmology / Ophthalmology Outpatients Area 6A Ophthalmology / Ward 25

(as the patient),

I was referred to the Ophthalmology department at Ninewells Hospital by my optician, who suspected I had an Epiretinal membrane. My vision in my right eye had been distorted for some years, but was getting worse. Straight lines were wobbly and I felt like I had a permanent smear of Vaseline on my glasses. Following tests at the Ophthalmology department, it was recommended that I have an operation. I’ll be honest, the thought of an eye operation was really scary, but this wasn’t going to get better, and could gradually get worse. 

The date for my op about 5 months after the consultation, which I thought was pretty good given some of the stories you read about waiting times. As the day got closer, I did think about chickening out a couple of times, but one night when we had family round, I became aware of how bad my vision was when peoples faces were so distorted! 

The operation was as a day patient, the staff in Ward 25 were lovely. They put you at ease. The procedure was explained, and a member of staff held my hand all the way through the operation, so I could let her know if I needed anything, but actually it was just really reassuring to hold someone’s hand! I can’t remember her name, as I was so nervous, but I really appreciated her care. 

Everything felt clean and everyone was so professional. I felt in safe hands.

The aftercare at home requires you to have lots of eye drops and keep your eye very clean. I didn’t go out much, as I didn’t want to get an infection, but gradually my eyesight got less blurred and now, 2 and a half months after the operation I have my new glasses and my vision is so much better. 

I am so grateful to all the staff in Ophthalmology and on Ward 25, Ninewells Dundee. Thank you. 

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Response from Audrey Donaldson, Charge Nurse, Ophthalmology Outpatient Department Ninewells, NHS Tayside last week
Audrey Donaldson
Charge Nurse, Ophthalmology Outpatient Department Ninewells,
NHS Tayside

My role is to manage the day to day running of the Ophthalmology Outpatient Department. Our goal is to ensure our patients and carers have a caring, positive and effective journey through the department. In order to achieve this staff are supported to develop and complete competencies in ophthalmic skills.

Submitted on 20/05/2024 at 15:25
Published on Care Opinion at 15:25

Dear Lobsterpot

Thankyou for posting about your positive experience when attending the ophthalmology department for a consultation and then surgery.

I am very pleased that you found the environment clean and the care you received so professional.

The importance of aftercare can have a huge impact on the outcome so I'm glad you have highlighted that and I am delighted to hear that your vision is so much better now.

Very best wishes,

Audrey Donaldson


Ophthalmology Department

Ninewells Hospital

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