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"Bad experience"

About: Lauriston Building

(as a relative),

My mum was due to get a mole removed as suspected skin cancer, she had to rearrange her original appointment and whoever made the new appointment put her in as a new patient. 

When we got to the appointment the doctor told her she was booked in as a new patient and there was no more room for biopsies. We travelled 1 hour to get to the appointment and the doctor was nothing but patronising, condescending, arrogant, passive aggressive. 

The doctor sent my mum for photographs of the area and gave her a document after they asked my mum to sign what she thought was consent to the photos but it was all sorts of other stuff they hadn’t made my mum aware of, it was the photographer that warned her what she had been put down for. I watched the doctor fill out the form and tick all the boxes without warning what they were ticking for my mum to sign. 

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Response from Ann Meldrum, Personal Assistant, Outpatients, Lauriston Building - NHS Lothian last week
Ann Meldrum
Personal Assistant, Outpatients,
Lauriston Building - NHS Lothian
Submitted on 20/05/2024 at 09:32
Published on Care Opinion at 09:32

Good Morning and thank you very much for posting your concern to Care Opinion. We would like to investigate this case further and establish exactly what happened and why you have now had cause to complain. In order for us to do so, may I please ask that you contact our Patient Experience Team, via email. I am sorry your mum has had such a bad experience whilst attending an Outpatient clinic. We do not expect any patient to leave our clinics unhappy, upset or confused about what has been discussed in clinic. This platform is anonymous and in order for me to investigate what has happened during your mums appointment, I would need her details and PET will confirm the details with your mum. Thank you for taking the time to post to Care Opinion, this is extremely important to us and we need to ensure exactly what happened in this case in order to resolve it.

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