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"Kind and caring staff"

About: Urgent Community Response Mid Hants

(as a service user),

I came out of the hospital after a broken hip and shoulder. 

Janet from the Integrated Community Team came out to see me after and she was kind and caring, much like a friend. 

We did the exercises and chatted at the same time. 

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Response from Abigail Barkham, Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust 4 weeks ago
Abigail Barkham
Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire,
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

I am the consultant for the Mid Hampshire Urgent Community Response service. Looking after individuals at home instead of hospital when it is safe to do so.

Submitted on 19/05/2024 at 16:03
Published on Care Opinion at 16:03

picture of Abigail Barkham

Thank you for letting us know about your experience and care with the team. I will make sure they get to know your kind words

Thank you

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