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"Compassion was clearly lacking"

About: Crosshouse Hospital / Accident & Emergency

(as a relative),

I received a phone call from my sister's employer, stating she had a migraine type headache, was confused and couldn't remember her colleagues' names. On arrival, I assessed my sister, who is in her 60s. I'm a staff nurse, and can confirm she was unable to answer simple questions e.g. her address, names of family members. She complained of a severe headache and her employer stated they had given her both paracetamol and brufen before I arrived.

She has long standing issue with migraines and was admitted 2.5 years ago with a related memory loss episode, which lasted approx. 24 hours. 

I immediately drove my sister to Crosshouse Hospital A&E department, where I gave the receptionist the relevant information and waited. During this time my sister started recalling answers to my previous questions and was showing a slight improvement. When called by the triage nurse I accompanied my sister into the consultation room, where there was one seat for the patient but none for significant others. 

It became apparent that the nurse was not impressed that I had accompanied my sister and directed all questions to her. When my sister was unable to answer a question, I would answer for her and I did highlight that I was a staff nurse. 

After assessing my sister, the nurse informed her that she would be seen by the doctor but advised me that I would not be allowed to attend with her. I said to the nurse that I wanted to accompany my sister, particularly as she still wasn't able to answer all the questions asked, but the staff nurse refused and said my sister answered her questions ok.

I subsequently pointed out my sister could not tell her what medication she was on. The nurse replied, we've that information on the system anyway. I asked what if they ask a question that isn't on the system and I continued to insist I accompany my sister. The nurse repeated it was their policy but I pointed out the patients charter states otherwise and it was her right to be accompanied.

The nurse was clearly not happy, so I reassured them that I wasn't trying to be awkward but they replied yes you are. I said no more to this rude individual who lacked any compassion for our situation. 

My sister is not a resilient individual and does not cope well with adversity and any medical experience is quite stressful for her. The rudeness experienced was unnecessary and unacceptable and added to a stressful situation. Compassion was clearly lacking and this nurse obviously thinks this is acceptable behaviour, which it is not.

My sister's husband arrived prior to the medical consultation and he did accompany her without any issue. He highlighted that everyone else was lovely and the care was faultless - thankfully!  

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Response from Pamela Gibson, Patient Experience Facilitator, Nursing, NHS Ayrshire and Arran 4 days ago
Pamela Gibson
Patient Experience Facilitator, Nursing,
NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Monitor stories and provide administration for NHS Ayrshire & Arran

Submitted on 28/05/2024 at 11:06
Published on Care Opinion at 11:06

picture of Pamela Gibson

Dear Nursing Lecturer

Thank you for taking the time to share your care experience with us via Care Opinion.

I am very sorry to read about you and your sister’s poor experience whilst you were in the Emergency Department. Please be assured that this is not the person-centred care that we aim for.

Whilst we always aim to provide care that is safe, caring and respectful, we do recognise that sometimes we get it wrong. When we do, we are committed to learning and improving. Hearing experiences, good and bad, directly from our patients or their relatives is one of the best ways for us to capture this valuable feedback.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for us to look into specific concerns raised as Care Opinion is completely anonymous. However, I have passed your comments to the Clinical Nurse Manager so that your experience can be shared with the nursing Team for reflection and learning.

Please accept my best wishes and thank you once again for taking the time to acknowledge your care experience.

Kind Regards


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