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"The girls are all so friendly and compassionate"

About: Adult Health Services / Physiotherapy Care and Support (Commisioned Providers) / Cottage Care Services

(as a relative),

OT & PT & Carers attend to the needs of my 95 & 92 year old parents, always very caring and attentive with their personal needs uppermost in their minds.

Normally very enough to contact and they attend promptly when required. Have had lots of input for my parents benefit in recent months.

It's good to have extra support and thank that there is help and there to help people at home and together with partners or family. Main carers for my parents are Cottage Care an independent business who are excellent at their job and provide so much support and care for my parents. The girls are all so friendly and compassionate. 

They could not be still in their own home if not for their support.

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Response from Laura Moore, Chief Nurse, Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership 4 weeks ago
Laura Moore
Chief Nurse,
Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership

I am the Chief Nurse for the Health and Social Care Partnership in Inverclyde, providing professional leadership and support to our Integrated Joint Board, Senior Management team and all of our nursing staff across our services

Submitted on 13/05/2024 at 12:01
Published on Care Opinion at 12:01

picture of Laura Moore

Dear omegaqs65

As Chief Nurse for Inverclyde HSCP it is lovely to hear your feedback that your parents have been able to stay at home with support and care from our OT and PT carers and Cottage Care.

Our teams work hard to ensure they provide high quality and responsive care, and it really makes a difference to all of us when we hear stories that are so positive. Thank you so much for taking the time to send us this feedback it is very much appreciated and I will ensure it is shared with all of the relevant staff.

I wish you and your parents well and thank you again

Laura Moore

Chief Nurse Inverclyde HSCP

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Response from Annemarie Reid, Community Physiotherapist, Inverclyde Centre for Independent Living, Inverclyde HSCP 4 weeks ago
Annemarie Reid
Community Physiotherapist, Inverclyde Centre for Independent Living,
Inverclyde HSCP
Submitted on 13/05/2024 at 14:25
Published on Care Opinion at 14:25

Dear omegaqs65

My name is Anne Marie Reid and I co-manage the PT & OT team members you refer to in your kind Care Opinion story.

As a team we appreciate how important remaining at home can be to patients and their families/carers and we work very hard to ensure we achieve this where we possible and often in partnership with other services such as Cottage Care.

It's great to hear your parents continue to do well at home and I would like to thank you again for taking the time to publish how pleased you were with our teams input and I wish you and your family much luck and good health for the future.

Kind regards,

Anne Marie Reid

ICIL RES Co-Team Lead

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