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"Being able to keep Mum at home for as long as possible."

About: Care at Home / Care at Home Maybole & Girvan

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

For the Maybole and Girvan Care at home team, 

We couldn't have kept mum at home as long as we did had we not had the support of the South Ayrshire Carers (SAC) and team. We were so lucky to get mum such good care from SAC carers.

We just want to thank you all for the help you gave mum and me/my brother when she was in your care. You have fabulous teams and they are a credit to you and they always went above and beyond to do the best for her and it was really appreciated.

Even now we have some of her carers and Girvan staff asking after her which is a real compliment to how fondly she was thought of by you all.

If you can pass on our thanks to all the teams involved with mum too please. We really do appreciate everything you did for us all.

Thanks again

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Response from Claire Donnelly, CAH Assistant Supervisor, Quality Assurance, South Ayrshire Council last month
Claire Donnelly
CAH Assistant Supervisor, Quality Assurance,
South Ayrshire Council
Submitted on 10/05/2024 at 14:09
Published on Care Opinion at 14:09


We are extremely grateful you have taken the time to share your experience this with us.

I am delighted to hear how lucky you and your brother have felt with the support received from the Maybole and Girvan care at home team, in being able to have your Mum at home for as long as possible.

They are a credit to the care at home team, I am delighted you feel they have went above and beyond to do the best for your Mum. This is one of the reasons the care at home team have been nominated for the SAC Outstanding people award.

I will ensure your feedback is given to the Maybole and Girvan team and I will also add to the upcoming carers newsletter.

Kind Regards,


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