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"Medication for my son"

About: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / General surgery (Wards 9a, 9b, 9c & 9d)

(as a parent/guardian),

Worrying state of affairs. There is a shortage of doctors. Our teenage son has been kept in now for almost 5 days, awaiting an MRI scan. This could be done as an outpatient?

The worst and most frightening part is that he is being pumped full of morphine! He is not in severe pain and as a parent our concerns were raised to the doctor who agreed that he should be on paracetamol and morphine as a last resort.

When I visited him, his eyes were bloodshot and he could barely hold a conversation. A nurse came in and didn't even ask him if he was in pain, he was clearly very relaxed, too relaxed and definitely not in pain.

The nurse continued to give him more morphine! When I asked them why, they became quite defensive and said it is not my decision as he is 19.

A hospital is where people are supposed to go to stay safe not to be pumped full of morphine. He was unable to answer questions and could not remember 😢

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Response from Debbie Macintyre, Clinical Services Manager, General Surgery, Breast, Vascular, Trauma Ward (South), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2 weeks ago
Debbie Macintyre
Clinical Services Manager, General Surgery, Breast, Vascular, Trauma Ward (South),
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 16/05/2024 at 15:40
Published on Care Opinion at 15:40

picture of Debbie Macintyre

Dear Shoney05

I would be grateful if you could email me directly so that I can look into this further please.

Kind regards,

Debbie Macintyre

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