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"Treated me with respect and friendly manner"

About: Northern Ireland Ambulance Service / Emergency ambulance response The Ulster Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I spent four days recently in the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald. N.I.

I was brought to the hospital in an emergency ambulance which had a three member team.

My first accommodation in the hospital was disappointing, as my bed was in a corridor beside the nurses desk area. Screens of course were available.

The arrangement changed very much in my favour as I was moved to a luxury room with all the facilities anyone would wish for.

The principle purpose for writing this story is to thank all those who played a part in my care and treatment.

The ambulance team, nurses, porters, scanning operators and doctors all treated me with respect and friendly manner. It was obvious that their first objective was my recovery, which proved successful.

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Response from Jennifer Nicholson, Lead Nurse - Emergency Care, Emergency Medicine - A&E, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust 3 weeks ago
Jennifer Nicholson
Lead Nurse - Emergency Care, Emergency Medicine - A&E,
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 09/05/2024 at 18:07
Published on Care Opinion at 18:07

Hi Thofz95

Thank you for taking the time to tell us of your experience while attending the Ulster Hospital and in particular the Emergency Department. I am making the assumption your first accommodation that was disappointing was perhaps when you were in the Emergency Department. I appreciate your comments and understand why you would consider that as disappointing but in an attempt to manage the number of patients who attend our department requiring medical help we have used all available space within our department to provide the care required as timely as possible. This can result in patients being nursed in additional spaces we have created to provide the care.

It is good to hear that you were treated with respect from all members of the team throughout your time in hospital and I will pass on your thanks to the staff.

I do hope you are continuing to improve.

Best wishes


ED Lead Nurse

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Response from Maggie Hamilton, Experience & Involvement Facilitator, Quality, Safety & Improvement, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service 2 weeks ago
Maggie Hamilton
Experience & Involvement Facilitator, Quality, Safety & Improvement,
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service

The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) Experience and Involvement Facilitator is responsible for developing and delivering high quality, effective services and processes for NIAS Service Users, Carers, their Advocates, the Public and NIAS Staff across Northern Ireland (NI) to facilitate and enable them to fully contribute to and participate in experience and involvement in relation to the NIAS.

Submitted on 14/05/2024 at 11:28
Published on Care Opinion at 11:28

picture of Maggie Hamilton

Good morning Thofz95,

I would like to begin by thanking you for taking the time to share your experience of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. It was encouraging to learn that the ambulance crew treated you with respect and friendly manner. As an organisation we are committed to consistently show compassion, professionalism, and respect for the patients we care for.

I hope you are recovering well.

Kind regards,


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