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"Extremely rude staff, made to feel a nuisance "

About: The Welby Practice

Following a trip to A&E with a severely inflamed tonsil (their words) and a very swollen gland in my neck, I was prescribed antibiotics and advised to take normal pain relief. Unfortunately normal strength pain relief was providing no relief at all, it takes a lot of strength to just just swallow my own saliva, let alone drink or eat. After being up from 1am in excruciating pain two nights in a row I called the surgery to see if they would kindly provide me with some stronger pain relief whilst the antibiotics get into my system as the pain had gotten worse since my trip to a&e and was now effecting my ear. I just wanted to be able to sleep and swallow my own saliva without being in ridiculous amounts of pain. I was told it was not a medical emergency and I ‘should’ be able to cope for another couple of days whilst I wait for the antibiotics to kick in. The lady on reception was awful, she kept huffing, was extremely condescending and made me feel as though I was completely wasting her time. She then told me that if I really feel a sore throat is a medical emergency then I should just go back to a&e.

Why is it so hard to just have a 5 minute call with a Doctor so that they can prescribe me some stronger pain relief?? Instead I end up coming off the phone in tears because I’ve practically begged the lady for help with the pain and she’s made me feel as though I was being a complete burden. What has happened to this surgery? Why do the staff feel the need to be so rude to people? logo
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Response from The Welby Practice 3 weeks ago
The Welby Practice
Submitted on 06/05/2024 at 17:46
Published on at 17:46

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and we sincerely apologise for the distressing experience you had at our surgery. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we continuously strive to provide the highest standard of care to our patients.

We are deeply concerned to hear about the treatment you received from our staff, and we assure you that this is not reflective of the level of service we aim to provide. We understand the importance of empathy and professionalism in every interaction, especially during times of discomfort and illness.

We would appreciate the opportunity to investigate this matter further and address it appropriately. If you could kindly provide us with the dates and times of your call, we can review the recorded conversation and take necessary action. Additionally, we encourage you to reach out to us directly at the surgery so we can discuss your concerns in detail and ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience or distress caused, and we hope to have the opportunity to rectify this situation and restore your trust in our practice.

Warm regards,

Jodie Knight

Group Executive Manager

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