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"Not conducive to recovery or privacy"

About: The Ulster Hospital / Ward 6C

(as the patient),

I was recently admitted to the Ulster Hospital after being seen in A&E. I was given a bed in the hallway near the nursing hub on ward 6c, I was given a screen for privacy that was inadequate, I was told that it would be until a room became available, and I would not spend more than two days in this area. I was discharged after spending 5 nights in the hallway.

I cannot fault the care I received from all the medical and domestic staff, however I was unable to sleep due to general activity and the lighting at night. I was beside a window that was frosted so could not see anything, also I was placed under an air conditioner fan which at times was rather cold, the staff did provide me with extra blankets but sitting out without a coat on was not an option. I was partial to non weight bearing with my condition, I had to use the staff showering area that was outside the ward with quite a long distance for me, it had fob access. 

My reason for talking the time to write this, is to highlight that it’s not conducive to recovery or privacy for that length of time.

I also felt that it put additional pressure on staff, who were doing their best to give excellent care.

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Response from Conor Campbell, Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust 3 weeks ago
Conor Campbell
Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement,
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust

Assurance and improvement

Submitted on 09/05/2024 at 10:46
Published on Care Opinion at 10:46

picture of Conor Campbell

Dear Tony916

My name is Conor Campbell. My position is Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement with a leading role in improving the service user experience - which includes responding to any person who tells their story through Care Opinion in order to help the organisation learn and improve.

I am very sorry to learn of the difficult elements described within your experience of having a 5-night stay in an additional bed at Ulster Hospital Ward 6C.

If there is any aspect of your healthcare needs which require attention by ward leadership, and in order to have these explored at a personal level, I invite you to email me at to share your name / date of birth / address / Health and Care Number (if handy) and contact number.

I have connected with service leadership to raise your experience for their consideration and response.

Service leadership greatly appreciate your positive feedback regarding excellent care provided to you. They are keen that the elements that should have been better raised by yourself are responded to effectively and will review these elements to explore change and improvement options.

I hope that you are recovering well and keep well going forward.

Again, I apologise to you for the elements of your care journey that should have been better and I thank you for sharing your story and the learning / improvement opportunity afforded to us through this.

Best wishes


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