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"An absolute joy and willing to answer any questions"

About: Highland Community Services / Breastfeeding Support Service

(as a service user),

When I came home with my baby I couldn’t be more grateful and delighted with the service provided by Lana for ensuring me and my little one were on the right track with our breastfeeding journey. 

She was an absolute joy and willing to answer any questions I had (which were a lot). She helped adjust my baby’s latch which allowed for pain free feeding. Now things are going well. Lana has been fantastic at just letting me know I'm doing a good job and on the correct track. 

We are incredibly lucky to have this service, it is fantastic. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Karen MacKay, Senior Health Improvement Specialist (Infant Feeding Advisor), RM, IBCLC, NHS Highland last month
Karen MacKay
Senior Health Improvement Specialist (Infant Feeding Advisor), RM, IBCLC,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 30/04/2024 at 17:07
Published on Care Opinion at 17:07

Hi Julybaby24,

Congratulations on the birth of your wee one and thank you so much for telling us your breastfeeding story and how the lovely lana has supported you.

It is so great to hear how supported you were and how wee changes to latch enabled you to feed pain free which is vitally important.

I am sure Lana loved answering your questions and it is great to hear how she is still supporting you and you are doing a fantastic job - well done.

I will pass this on to Lana and thank you so much again

kind Regards

karen Mackay

Infant feeding lead

NHS Highland

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