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"Under funded & outdated care "

My psychiatrist has always been great.

Regular appointments etc.

Found a balance with meds.

The trouble is when you need any other wrap around care and actually want to progress further than taking meds and being a zombie or have a crisis.

Courses led by workbooks and very patronising staff.

Want to learn how and why your brain is doing this? Think again.

Want to improve your life with knowledge of your MH condition. Think again.

If it’s not on a basic ‘worksheet’ appropriate for a 10 year old, you won’t get it.

If you want another type of therapy such as EMDR-it’s over to italk waiting list and you will be discharged from community MH-and your psychiatrist.

Even after an attempt last year, I’ve been chucked into the abyss & back to the GP for any MH issues. You can imagine how well that works. Even to hear back from a GP in a MH crisis. They are not equipped for it.

So I’ll just try not to X my self (again) whilst I wait 9-12 months for basic therapy with italk before I can even go on the EMDR wait list, because of course, I can’t be under the Bridge centre community MH AND the italk waiting list. The NHS doesn’t allow it apparently.

The Bridge Center is dated-in terms of dealing with MH besides a having a quality psychiatrist and a very helpful secretary at the facility. logo
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Response from Abigail Barkham, Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust last month
Abigail Barkham
Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire,
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

I am the consultant for the Mid Hampshire Urgent Community Response service. Looking after individuals at home instead of hospital when it is safe to do so.

Submitted on 01/05/2024 at 19:59
Published on Care Opinion at 19:59

picture of Abigail Barkham

Thank you for making contact and letting us know your experience. I have reached out to the Bridge centre and asked for an appropriate number that would be helpful to call should you want to discuss anything further.

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