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"Went above and beyond with the care and attention they gave"

About: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Maternity care (Wards 47, 48 & 50)

(as a parent/guardian),

I have just welcomed my first grandson into the world. My daughter was a patient in the QEUH Maternity.

When she was in the labour ward of the maternity, she had a midwife called Kimberly and a student midwife called Eilidh looking after her.This was my daughter's first child so she was a little scared and apprehensive but these two midwives went above and beyond with the care and attention they gave not only my daughter but my sister and I. They made my daughter feel so at ease and comfortable and they were there every step of her labour with unlimited compassion, answering questions, keeping us updated every step of the way.

I want to personally thank Kimberly and Eilidh because if it hadn't been for you two i honestly don't think i'd have got through my daughter's labour the calm way i did! You's are amazing at what you's do and i will forever be grateful for the care shown to my daughter and I. It really is a true saying that not all superheroes wear capes. Kimberly and Eilidh, i could never repay you's for your compassion you shown my daughter and I, it means the world to me and i really hope you guys see this if possible xx

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Response from Karen Taylor, Best Start Project Midwife, Maternity, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde last month
Karen Taylor
Best Start Project Midwife, Maternity, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 30/04/2024 at 10:38
Published on Care Opinion at 10:39

picture of Karen Taylor

Hi Cricketdz76

Thankyou so much for taking the time to tell us about your daughter’s care during the birth of your grandson. I have sent this directly to Kimberley which she will show to Eilidh, they are both such lovely colleagues and I know this will mean so much to them.

Thanks again!

Karen Taylor

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