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"A truly authentic patient centred approach"

About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Gastroenterology (Stomach and Gut)

(as a service user),

I have ulcerative colitis, diagnosed in 2017/18. After several flare ups around 1/year, had quite a bad flare and escalated treatment to a biologic in 2020.

With the care and support of ANP Jenny and Peter ARI, this was a daunting decision to make but has transformed management of the condition.

Jenny is always on the end of the telephone line to guide and advise on how to self-manage the condition, to understand and tailor the medication, and when to connect with a higher levels of care. Jenny takes the time to understand the person, in a truly authentic patient centred approach, and tailors care to individuals circumstances, events, and life!

Empowerment is an overused word, but Jenny has empowered me, and transformed my life and management of an otherwise at times debilitating condition.

Thank you Jenny and team, you have changed my life with close and thorough care and attention, even through the most challenging times for the health service.

Cant express in words gratitude for your technical/medical/clinical expertise, and human approach to understand and respondto a person. Deep gratitude for everything you do.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Fiona Mitchell, Nurse Manager, Renal, Dialysis and Gastroenterology, Respiratory, NHS Grampian last month
Fiona Mitchell
Nurse Manager, Renal, Dialysis and Gastroenterology, Respiratory,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 26/04/2024 at 16:29
Published on Care Opinion at 16:29

Dear Phoenixtn68,

Thank you so much for providing this feedback to the IBD service and for highlighting the care Jenny has provided you. I know this will mean a lot to her to hear and I will ensure she is made aware that you have posted this feedback. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

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